MOJUK - News Articles/Judgments/Reports June 2024


ETcHR Grand Chamber Case of Nealon and Hallam v the United Kingdom

The European Court of Human Rights will deliver its ruling in the case of Nealon and Hallam v. the United Kingdom (applications nos. 32483/19 and 35049/19) at a public hearing on 11 June 2024 at 11 a.m. in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg.

The case concerns the rejection of the applicants’ claims for compensation for a miscarriage of justice after their convictions had been quashed when new evidence had undermined the cases against them.

The statutory scheme for compensation for miscarriages of justice in the Criminal Justice Act 1988, as amended by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, provides for compensation for a miscarriage of justice only where a new or newly discovered fact shows beyond reasonable doubt that the person concerned did not commit the offence. The applicants argue that the statutory scheme was incompatible with Article 6 § 2 because it required them to “prove” their “innocence” in order to be eligible for compensation.


CCRC DNA Trawl - Message to Brian Farrell A9492AH HMP Whitemoor

I am writing to provide an update about your case. Your case falls within the parameters of a DNA trawl the CCRC has undertaken. Therefore, a nominated decision maker is being assigned to the case to assess whether there might be new forensic opportunities available because of developments in DNA technology, .

Please note that this does not mean the CCRC will undertake further forensic work in your case, only that careful consideration will be given to whether it could now assist. I will write to you again before the end of August to give you a further update.

Yours sincerely, Leigh Reilly, CCCR Case Review Manager

[People convicted of murder or rape who have had their applications to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) turned down could have their cases re-opened to allow new DNA testing, available as a result of developments in DNA techniques, to take place. The CCRC is analysing closed review cases involving murder or rape where the conviction was before the beginning of 2016, to pinpoint those where advances in DNA technology could now help identify an offender. The CCRC has identified almost 5,500 people who were convicted of murder or rape before 2016 and whose applications to the CCRC were turned down.]


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Russia: Law on “Undesirable Organisation” Designation Breached the Convention

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New Research Reveals ‘Trauma’ and ‘Missed Opportunity’ of Inquests

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Criminal Cases Review Commission - Call for Research Proposals

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Ex-Officer Jailed For Perverting Justice Over Killing

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CCRC DNA Trawl - Message to Brian Farrell A9492AH HMP Whitemoor

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Nealon and Hallam v. the United Kingdom

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ETcHR Grand Chamber Case of Nealon and Hallam v the United Kingdom

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